Adam’s advice:

Svetlana Bakunova
This style of act does not inspire me at all. Nonetheless you have a certain skill set and itā€™s okay. Unfortunately though, your act is repetitive, with the continual juggling of hats around your pole and didnā€™t really peak to another level. Perhaps you should consider a visual story with the pole and hats as currently it looks like a merry-go-round and goes nowhere. My dear, also you need to work on your presentation and sell your craftā€¦ a smile goes a long way. You donā€™t seem to be enjoying what you are doing so how can you expect your audience to engage with you. Iā€™m sorry but on this occasion, your act did nothing for me.
Maksym & Denys
Congratulations on your slick act! Essentially, what you have done is taken an old art form and added your own originality, you have given it your own signature. I love seeing acts who do this. You know when to tease the audience and then win them over. Your movements are executed with skill and perfection. Bravoā€¦.full marks.
Vladislava Naraeva
I really liked your act! Great choice of music, Great costume, Great expressions and good timing.
Bravo! I wish you all the best.
Duo Dolce Vita
Dolce Vitaā€¦ you guys have got something, however in my opinion, it seems like you are rushing your act and too long between transitions.
Possibly take one costume act out and make it flow better.
Good luck.
Sergey Kapranov
Watching your performance, I felt that at points you are unsure of your performanceā€¦ Relax and Slick your act.
Your music track is morbid, I suggest that you find a light-hearted track to suit your act.
Iā€™m sorry but on this occasion your act did not inspire me. All the best.
Quad Strog Arm
There are so many acts like yours around the globe. Therefore, to draw the attention of show bookers or producers, you need to consider a point of difference.
Also, you donā€™t need to wear singlets, if you have good toned bodies then donā€™t be ashamed to show it off. You choice of music in my opinion is too dramatic, perhaps consider an alternative lighter choice of music. Also, you may want to add elements of showmanship and strongly connect with your audience so that you can stand out from the rest. All the very best.
Tatyana & Denis
You started off well with the ā€˜Imagineā€™ instrumental track but then your music cut out at 1.37sec, there was silence for around 03 seconds followed by the John Lennon vocal track of Imagine which in my opinion displaced the balance and feel of your act. Your aerial skills are great but your transitions from one trick to the other need to be worked on.
My advice is to keep your music tracks as instrumental so as not to deter from your act and tighten your transitions from one trick to the other. Also, to add to the danger and suspense element, I suggest presenting your act at a much more elevated heightā€¦.(stage height permitting).
My best wishes for the future.
Duo Focus
Great presentation, very professional, like your costumes and your makeup and really like your act. I totally understand this is the style of your actā€¦.gracefully executed in slow motion to highlight and show off your artistic skills but just on a very personal note and my opinion alone, I believe that 7.30 minutes is a tad long for a slow moving act and it can afford to reduce slightlyā€¦.again this is just me and others may not share my same view.
We have received your material and correspondence from time to time and we will definitely engage you in one of our productions. All the very best and wish you much success.
Anton Mikheev
I thought you were great, you have taken a strap act that is performed by hundreds of other aerialists BUT you have been creative in your presentation and made it yoursā€¦.I give you full marks for doing this! However, when you are free of the ball and winched upā€¦..this is where you should showcase all your skilled aerial tricks, skills and more so that you can stand out from the rest of the aerialists/strap acts. I wish you all the success you deserveā€¦.best wishes.
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