It’s my best investment!
After my contract with Cirque du Soleil, I no longer found any work. Now, thank goodness I purchase Tom Shanon’s books and guides: that has solved all my problems! I have finally found someone who understands exactly what my difficulties are, because Tom, before me, also went through exactly the same thing I did. He is a successful artist-entrepreneur who also advises me and to whom I can send the videos of my progress every week. Tom is an exceptional mentor, on the artistic front as well as on the business front!
I often buy show material but the works written by Tom are by far the best investment I have made. Thanks to him I am no longer the athlete of the Cirque du Soleil, but the independent artist I have always wanted to be. This investment has helped me save time. I have a lot more work, my art form is blossoming and I have made it into the “real network of performers”. In short, I am recognized now!
Under contract at the Royal Palace Kirrwiller. Thanks to Tom Shanon who introduced me to Steve Bor.
C’est ce que je demandais à l’univers !
Merci du fond du cœur d’avoir crée ce book d’adresses !
C’est ce que je demandais à l’univers et voilà qu’il me « tombe du ciel !!» La balle est dans mon camp à présent !! Ça va bouger pour moi aussi !! Continues de nous inspirer avec tes trucs! C’est géniale !
I got a great contract !
Purchasing the contact book was a milestone for me…
As if by buying this book, I connected with “energies” of my true desires! Here I am in Florida for the creation of a whole new show with Cirque Dreams! I got a great contract and I’m going on the Norwegian Cruise Line Getaway for 9 months with great conditions! A whole new adventure awaits me! I have more and more tools for my career and I keep moving forward! Thank you from the bottom of my heart! I can’t wait to use these tools and this contact book even more… I know that more and more magnificent larger things are coming for me! Thanks Tom!
I remember my first encounter with Tom Shanon as if it were yesterday. We met a number of years ago, in the Departure Hall of a Paris Airport, on our way to work as artists in Dubai. I was pleasantly surprised by this man, Tom, and what he represented: all the references he had, television, galas at the most prestigious events, the most beautiful locations in the world, on the seas, on board several of the most luxurious cruise liners.
It is not chance that brought him where he is. He is one of these guys who has understood the concept of being an artist and doing business. In every step to be pursued, knowing how to follow the process that takes you from a simple show idea, all the way to its creation and implementation, then, knowing how to sell that show. Tom Shanon makes us gain considerable amounts of time; he helps us by giving us the keys and tools to progress through this work, a real gold mine, whatever discipline we follow.
In “Show-Business”, there are 2 words: you need to have a good show and know how to sell it! So let’s go! The show must go on!
THIS IS FANTASTIC!!!!! Tom, you are a genius!!!
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I’m honored to be part of this project and the innovation of Tom Shanon
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I sign each word Tom Shanon writes and says!
Tom Shanon, you are very kind and generous.
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I got Victor Krachinov the Russian juggler contract for Royal Palace (Kirrwiller) for 2020-2021 season
Been following your excellent work. Keep it up and I’m thrilled to be part of your world
The first time I saw Tom Shanon on stage I was completely taken aback by how ultra-impacting his show is!
A few years later, I had the pleasure and joy of sharing the stage with him. Backstage, I met an artist who is very pro. But also someone who is truly warm, outgoing and open to artistic discussion. His blog with undoubtedly help many artists!
I wish I had benefited from all these sources of inspiration and helpful hints when I was starting out!
Vraiment étrange, ce Tom Shanon…
la classe d’un agent secret de sa Majesté… Le geste précis d’un Sensei… Le mot juste et toujours équilibré… et cette lueur dans le regard, de quelqu’un qui vous « sent », dès les premières secondes…
La première fois que je l’ai rencontré, lors d’un gala en France, j’ai été impressionné par cette jeunesse qui émanait de lui et à la fois l’immense carrière d’artiste qu’il avait déjà derrière lui… impressionné par l’économie de ses gestes précis, qui donnaient à son art une efficacité redoutable.
Vraiment étrange, ce Tom Shanon…
si c’est un « vrai gentil », comme il en existe peu dans ce métier… il maîtrise à la perfection l’art de convaincre…
J’ai hâte de dévorer ton ouvrage, Tom, toute cette expérience pleine de fraîcheur que tu nous fais le plaisir de partager…
Au plaisir de recroiser ta route, et, en attendant, je salive déjà à la pensée de dévorer tes précieux conseils…
Vraiment étrange, ce Tom Shanon…
I am probably going to say something really boring, but, what a joy to meet someone like Tom Shanon. If everyone in this business could be like him!!! Approachable, simple and extremely talented.
I am not sure how long we have known each other but I can say for sure that it has been a real pleasure.
And, of course, what a show!!! Wow! I loved it straight away.
It was obvious Tom was going to go a long way. And, with his book, one can see that, like most of us, he made some mistakes along the way. The kind that make you progress. From these, he learned the lessons to go even further. And now, he is sharing all this knowledge with those arriving into this profession. This is the very proof this man has a huge heart.
Thank you Tom for being who you are.
Il y a des rencontres qui marquent, qui laissent quelque chose en soi. tu fais partie des ces rencontres rares et inoubliables, surtout dans cet univers, je dirai spécial, du spectacle.
C’est parce qu’il y a des gens comme toi, que le destin met sur notre route, que l »on raccroche et que l »espoir renait.
Et même, si « On n’a pas la tête de l »emploie », on aime ce que l’on fait et on donne notre meilleur à chaque prestation, avant tout pour nous même.
Rien de pire que de se dire » On aurait pu faire mieux »
Merci à toi, pour ce que tu es, pour ce que tu apporte aux autres
Tom … comment t’appeler Tom .. ???
Le monde qui a été le notre tant de temps .. te connait sous ton vrai prénom .. une référence dans notre tribu .. !
Tu étais déjà « l’artiste »… un garçon talentueux et tellement modeste !!.. toi je t’ai tellement admiré et envié bien sur !! «rester le meilleur dans ma discipline ne me suffit plus. Dans le spectacle, je veux aussi le meilleur numéro visuel !».. et bien çà .. tu l’as bien accompli .. !!
Tu es un modèle , un exemple pour beaucoup .. !!
A toi maintenant les meilleurs moments avec ton petit … donne lui l’envie , la joie et la passion ..!!
Je t’embrasse Tom .. tu es un homme merveilleux !!
Ce cher Tom, que je connais depuis un paquet d’années, l’artiste professionnel et maintenant aussi un heureux papa. Tom Shanon aime la perfection et s’active de toute son énergie et son professionnalisme pour ne rien laisser au hasard. Les histoires que l’on se raconte dans les coulisses et les anecdotes de loges sont d’inoubliables souvenirs. L’ami, l’artiste, nous te saluons !