TSOPEN is a platform
that helps performers find jobs
and connect with professionals through a
detailed address book and expert high-level advice.





1. Civility is not optional:
– Our community loves to talk openly and debate but kindness and respect are required.
– TSOPEN is a place of thoughtful discussion, encouragement, and learning. You are welcome to disagree with someone, but the tone of discussions will remain civil or your comments will be deleted. We will not tolerate personal attacks, hate speech or anything our editorial staff considers detrimental to the community.

2. Name Use:
– All comments must be posted under your real name or nick name. If you use a company name, obvious alias, or keyword stuffed phrase your comment will be deleted and marked as spam.

3. Liability:
– When posting a comment on TSOPEN platform you take full responsibility for it. You agree to hold TSOPEN platform, all post authors, and other commenters harmless.

4. Language:
– We create and publish content in English or French. We’re thrilled if you are a non-English or non-French communicator who can understand and gain value from our content. However, we are not yet equipped for comment moderation in multiple languages and we do not have yet the team for comment moderation in multiple languages so please leave your comments in English or French.
– Any comment our moderators are unable to understand will be deleted. This includes comments written in English or French with especially poor spelling and grammar.

5. Spam:
– Don’t do it. If you do it, your comments will be deleted, marked as spam, and you will be blocked.
– Valid Email Required: The email address you use for your account must be valid. Any email address we deem to look like spam will result your account to be deleted and flagged as spam.
– Irrelevant links are not appreciated or allowed.

– In ATLAS, you can post as many publications as you wish. But you have to be professional enough to be accepted by our selection committee.
– Before being published, your publication will be reviewed by a moderator within 12 hours.

7. All rights reserved:
– We reserve the right to edit, delete, move, or mark as spam any comment we choose. We also reserve the right to block any IP address that violates this comment policy from commenting, subscribing, or accessing the TSOPEN platform.