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If you are an artist, today with Internet everybody can see you.
So, how to get more job offers: to look funny or to look serious?

About me.

I have to say that I hate and I can’t stand trying “to make the boss laugh” just so they will like me. I also have to admit that I’m not very good at it. But after seeing people do it time and again, I have to admit that it does work sometimes. It’s human nature, that’s how it goes, and good for those with that kind of talent.

Tom Shanon

Tom Shanon



What about you? Are you FUNNY or SERIOUS?
Let me know your comments on the facebook post 🙂





5 fatal mistakes that pros no longer make Tom Shanon The secret of pros

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What’s inside : How to successfully approach a producer or talent agency? What is the worst mistake people make?  How do I talk about my talent?  What are the traps to avoid when talking about my talent? Why do inexperienced artists make the mistake of justifying themselves? Is providing a video the best solution?  What should I put in my video? What are the traps to avoid when providing a video? How can I get the producer to extend my contract or hire me again? What is the top priority for producers? In what ways do talent disappoint producers? How many shows a day can an artist perform in a month? What does it mean to “mess up” your performance? How can I win a producer’s trust? How can I give the best possible performance? [et_bloom_inline optin_id=optin_4]