I waited barely a minute before responding to him, despite the stakes. With audacity bordering on presumption, I opened up without reservation and said: “To be the best!” My answer, though simple, was full of ambition and a fierce will to excel. I hung on his every word waiting for his response, and then he replied, quoting his exact words: “Yes, that’s the right answer and it’s exactly what will help you survive!”


What does this mean according to Dave Parker?

Behind the words “to be the best” lies, unconsciously, the survival instinct: “in order to live in this jungle, I have to be the best.”

Then, it also hides the fact that “competition is not a problem.”

The aspiration to “be the best” echoes our deepest survival instinct, especially in the competitive world of entertainment. It reveals an instinctive understanding that thriving in this environment requires an unwavering determination to always strive for excellence..


Why is that the right answer?

Because nothing is stronger than a survival instinct!


Classic examples of wrong answers:

  • I want to make a living from my talent because I’ve always wanted to be on stage.
  • I want to make a living from my talent because it’s my passion.
  • I want to make a living from my talent to prove that…
  • I want to make a living from my talent because I want to be famous.
  • I want to make a living from my talent because it’s a fun job.
  • I want to make a living from my talent so that I can be my own boss and be free.
  • I want to make a living from my talent to make a lot of money.
  • Etc.


  • If competition is not a problem for you, your life will be much easier.
  • If you didn’t give the right answer the first time, it doesn’t mean you won’t succeed in making a living from your talent. But it does mean that it will be more difficult for you, and that you will suffer more than enjoy it.
  • Thanks to Dave Parker, I learned that ARTISTS ARE WARRIORS!
  • Objectively speaking, “being the best” means nothing, but what counts is the desire to become it!
  • Finally, keep in mind that desiring to be the best is only a means, not an end in itself. Why not? Because one day you’ll come across someone who’s better than you. It’s hard to accept, but that’s how it goes!
  • However, if you have the soul of an artist-warrior and refuse to give up, then I’m here to help!”

Written by Tom Shanon (World Class Performer)
Download his famous ADDRESS BOOK 🗂️ to find jobs fast and save years in just 5 minutes!


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Written and offered by Tom Shanon

Tom Shanon 5 fatal mistakes that pros no longer make Tom Shanon The secret of pros

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