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Where do performing artists come from?

I’m going to give you a list of some different fields performing artists can come from. Artists can emerge from anywhere, including sports, schools, street sports, an artistic family, or they can even be self-taught (as I am). This is a non-exhaustive list.

Creating an act requires a certain state of mind.

If your talent involves physical or artistic aspects, keep in mind that the objects around you can also become part of your act. Anything can be turned into an act, it all depends on how you do it and your state of mind. You’re only limited by your imagination and your audacity! In show business, the people that are likely to book you are open-minded and looking to be amazed. Rules and diplomas don’t mean anything; at worst they can limit your creativity. The only thing that matters is the result!

But just goofing off isn’t enough to get you noticed. An artist’s intelligence is visible on stage even when they’re acting stupid. Stand out because of your artistic intelligence!



List of some different fields performing artists can come from :


A Acro demo, Acro Mixed Pair, Acrobatic gymnastics, Acrobatic rock and roll, Acrobatics, Acrogym, Acroyoga, Aerial cradle, Aerial hoops, aerial rings, Aerial ropes, Aerial straps, Aerobics, Agility, Antipodism, Apnea, Arial straps, Artistic cycling, Artistic gymnastics, Artistic kata, Artistic martial arts B Balance ladder, Ball-balancing, Ballet on ice, Ballet, Ballroom dance, Banquine, Baton twirling, Beatmaking, Blowgun, Bolas, Boogie woogie, Boomerang, Breakdance C Capoeira, Chairbalance, Cheerleading, Chinese hoops, Chinese plate spinning, Chinese pole, Cigar box (juggling), Climbing, Clown arts, Comedy, Contemporary dance, Contortion, Country line-dance, Cyr wheels D Darts, Devil sticks, Diabolo, Dog agility, Double dutch, Drummer Equestrian arts F3P indoor aerobatics, Fencing, Figure skating, Fire dance, Flair bottle, Flamenco, Flamenco, Free-running, Freestyle basketball, Freestyle BMX, Freestyle football G German wheels, Glowsticking, Graffiti, Gymnastic acrobatics, Gymnastics beam, Gymnastics H Hand shadow, Hand shadows, Handstand, Hand-to-hand acrobatics, High-diving, Hip Hop, Horizontal bar, Horseriding, Hula hoop, Human beatbox, Human flag, Human flag I Icarian games, Ice dance, Illusionist, Impersonation, Improvisational theater, Indoor cycling, In-line skating J Juggling hats, Juggling K Kite-flying, Knife throwing, Kodubo, Korean plank L Laser, Latin dance, Liquid popping, Locking M Magic, Mallakhamb, Medieval combat, Mentalism, Mime, Model aircraft, Modern dance, Mountain bike trials N Nunchaku P Parallel bars, Parkour, Parkour, Pole dance, Pommel horse, Popping, Prestidigitation, Puppetry Q Quick change R Rap music, RC Pilot, Rhythmic gymnastics, Rolla Bolla, Roller skating, Russian bars S Sand drawing, Sand painting, Singing, Skateboard, Slack wire, Slackline, Speed painting, Standard dances, Step dance, Stick-fighting, Stilts, Street jam, Swing dance, Synchronized swimming Table tennis, Tap dance, Tap-dancing, Teamgym, Teeterboard, Tightrope, Tightrope, Top spinning, Trampolines, Trapeze, Trick art, TumblingUltimate wheel, Uneven bars, Unicycle Yamakasi, Yo-yo…


I hope you enjoyed this article. Tom Shanon


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