One key by vip Tom Shanon


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One key by vip Tom Shanon

This WEB Program is the first to really help talents, and it’s 100% FREE
This WEB Program is produced by Tom Shanon. Click here to know more about Tom Shanon


I suggest you to start trying to make…[] …becomes your “friend” 🙂

Manuela Löffelhardt


My advice is to []

Steve Bor


This is innovative, your technique is good… [] …cosmic dimension.




Gérald Le Guilloux


It’s the sort of act that… [] …in production show.

Adam Dion Bahoudian


This is an innovative act! … [] …towards the audience.

Vostinic Veroljub

Thanks for the 6 keys!

Jimmy Gonzalez juggler One advice by VIP

Very interesting to have comments from agents and other producers.

Jimmy Gonzalez

One advice for all artists:

Here is a tip who will help you for your entrance on stage:

If a presenter will announce you, don’t just give them a list of things to say from your CV. I see too many artists and presenters fall into this trap. The most important thing in the presentation is not a recitation of your accomplishments. The most important thing is that the presenter creates the right kind of atmosphere to introduce the emotion you want to produce. And this cannot be improvised. I use the term “emotion” to describe all kinds of emotions, such as joy, fear, laughter, sadness, love, etc.

So take the time to go over this point with the presenter

Tom Shanon